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A project like 'WOW!!' does not happen in a vacuum.
Many people helped put it together.

Special thanks to:

Judith McNicol for taking on the catalogue,
and capturing the pizzazz and verve of 'WOW!!',
Rosie McLeish for her editing skills, and
John Maizels and Maggie Jones for design advice.

Peter Herbert, my invaluable curator,
for his considerable expertise and unerring eye.

Eric Wright, who took on the website, and Cathy Ward for making it wild.

Barbara Herbin for support, good advice, and her passion for Outsider Art.

Alfonso Cicalese who hangs virtually every one of my shows
with charm and good humour.

Hana Hughes, who has the organisational skills of a general,
and keeps chaos at bay every day.

Steve and Shawm Kreitzman for support and help of every kind.

Sasha for unquestioning love, and general adorableness.

And most of all, to my Wild Women:
what a pleasure it has been to know you, to work with you,
to revel in your talent, and to flaunt your glory to the world.

Sue Kreitzman, 2008




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